Jewells Primary School aims to develop the talents of all students in a positive environment which is conducive to all students succeeding. The school is characterised by: high levels of academic achievement while catering for students experiencing difficulties; programs of excellence in performing arts, sport, gifted and talented education, public speaking and computer education.
Jewells Primary School's code of conduct
At Jewells Primary School we believe:
- LEARNING is valuable, enjoyable and continues for life
- In RESPECT for ourselves, other people, their belongings and the environment
- Individuals should take RESPONSIBILITY for their own behaviour
While at school and while travelling to and from school.
- Treat others and their property fairly, with courtesy and respect;
- Take pride in yourself and your school;
- Co-operate with others.
- Attend every day and be prepared to learn;
- Try hard;
- Aim for excellence.
- Be honest;
- Act safely; be responsible for your own actions;
- Seek help if you cannot settle differences peacefully.
This is in line with DET Core Rules and Values Education Policy documents.
The school encourages and supports students in managing their own behaviour. Most of our students value their educational opportunities and only need a little guidance from time to time.